A Day In The Life: Using Herbs for Wellness and Fun

My Personal Self Care Herbal Wellness Routine for Summertime (a product roundup from the shop):

Hi all,

A few folks have been asking me about ways to incorporate the use of herbs in their everyday lives. So I figured sharing my personal herbal protocols on the blog would be a good idea. Since my regimen is a living flow that changes with the seasons and what I have on hand, this may become a recurrent feature. It’s also an easy way to let you know what’s currently available in the shop, since that changes seasonally as well. I assure you that I wouldn’t offer anything I don’t use myself, so I promise you-this is actually my personal routine.

In the morning I wake up and put out some SUMMER SWEETNESS SUN TEA to brew in the sun all day. I shower and then liberally apply LOVE YOUR BODY OIL. Then I sit outside with a quart of lemon water and hydrate/meditate/watch and listen to the birds. Then I might have a dropperful or 2 of 4TH CHAKRA ELIXIR (if I need physical or emotional heart support) or maybe some DAMIANILLA ELIXIR (if I need an adaptogen and/or a libido boost).

Before Lunch I will drink my SUSTENANCE NOURISHING INFUSION that I brewed yesterday, while at the same time brewing tomorrow’s infusion. (I like to let it it steep for 24 hours-mainly as a way to remember to make more-but also to get every last bit of mineral-rich nutritive goodness from my infusion. Really though 4 to 8 hours would be plenty of time to steep it, and I wouldn’t go past 24). I then have some CHOCOLATE TANGERINE BITTERS before making lunch, which this time of year is usually a salad with veggies from my garden and/or the local CSA with some herbal vinegar-either CLEAVERS VINEGAR or DANDELION VINEGAR (sometimes I mix them both).

Around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, my SUMMER SWEETNESS SUN TEA is ready. I strain it, add lemon and local honey or sometimes agave, and enjoy it outside with some kind of locally grown fruit (lately peaches, plums, or berries).

Before dinner I have a dropperful of LAVENDER SPICE BITTERS. After dinner, I usually indulge in any of my herbal ELIXIRS, depending on my mood it could be GINGER BLISS, DAMIANA ROSE, CHOCOLATE KAVA LOVE, or VANILLA CHAI. I usually have a little bit in a cordial glass or with a glass of sparkling water. Sometimes I pour it over a dessert, like homemade vegan ice cream.

If I need help winding down before bed, I might have a small cup of SLEEPY TEA or a couple dropperfuls of SWEET PEACE tincture/glycerite. Or maybe just some CHAMOMILE TINCTURE. Sweet dreams indeed!

Some days I need a little something extra. Like if I or one of my kids gets a cut/scrape/owie of some sort, after washing the wound I disinfect it with some YARROW TINCTURE diluted in a little water, then after a day or longer (depending on the laceration) I might apply COMFREY SALVE to help it heal. (DO NOT put comfrey salve on deep or puncture wounds). If I feel a cold coming on, I will take a couple tablespoons of COUGH & COLD SYRUP every hour or 2 till I’m feeling better. If I’m stuffy, I apply VAPOR BALM under my nose or on my chest as needed. And if I’m stressed out or tense, or have moontime cramps, SWEET PEACE TINCTURE or CHAMOMILE TINCTURE does the job nicely. And if I need to formulate a special blend for myself or someone else, I can choose from any of my SINGLE HERB TINCTURES-mixing and matching as I need to. A great starter kit to have for this purpose would be my SIMPLERS ESSENTIALS TINCTURE SET.

There you have it-my honest Day in the Life of how I use my products. To purchase any of the products I mentioned visit the SHOP. Remember there is FREE SHIPPING on any orders totaling $35 or more! I hope you have fun creating your own daily herbal wellness routine. And if you’d like $5 off your next purchase, along with other exclusive offers, articles, & updates, make sure to sign up for my MONTHLY NEWSLETTER. Lastly, if you have any questions about products, need a custom blend, or would just like to chat, do not hesitate to CONTACT ME anytime. Green Blessings and Happy Summer to you!